
To Follow Jesus


To be disciples who make disciples. ["Disciple" = An authentic follower of Jesus]

Core Values 

The Bible is our authority

Loving God

Loving Others

Making Disciples

Planting Churches


Unity in Diversity

Come as you are




To make authentic followers of Jesus who impact the world with the Love of God and the Power of the Gospel through Loving, Serving, Planting churches and Relying on the Holy Spirit.


Love God: Worship

Love Others: Small Groups

Love through Service: Gifts/Ministry/Outreach

Love the Lost: Evangelism/Church Planting

Foundational Beliefs 

God is the Creator 

The Bible is God's Word

Jesus is Lord

Jesus lived, died and was resurrected as He said

Jesus is the Way of salvation

We are Saved by Grace, through Faith, in Baptism, for Good Works

The Holy Spirit dwells within and empowers each Christian

Jesus will return bodily, visibly and triumphantly for His church